December 22, 2024
What Are Your Rights For Minimal Material Assistance

Rights For Minimal Material

The right to guaranteed minimal assistance has a household that is materially insecure and does not own property and property rights from which it can be sustained according to

Materially unsecured is a household whose total average amount of all income of all members of the household on all grounds in the last three months before submitting the application for exercising the right and during the exercise of the right is lower than the amount of the guaranteed minimum aid, in accordance with this Law.

The amount of the guaranteed minimum aid

The amount of the right to the guaranteed minimum aid is calculated as the basis for one member of the household, increased by the equivalent of the equivalent scale for other members of the household, and at most for a total of five members in the household.

The base depends on different factors, and for each subsequent adult member of the household, the base increases according to an equivalent scale, for:

– the second term for a coefficient of 0.5,
– the third term for a coefficient of 0.4,
– the fourth term for a coefficient of 0.4 and
– the fifth coefficient of 0.2.

For a child member of the household, the base increases by a coefficient of 0.1.

An equivalent scale increases by a factor of 0.5 for a single woman during pregnancy one month before delivery and a single parent until the child’s primary education is started, but not later than seven years of age, to the child until the third child.

An equivalent scale also increases for a person who is incapable of work due to intellectual disability, physical disability, mental illness or permanent changes in the health status, but up to three members in the household for the first term for a coefficient of 0.5 for the second term for a coefficient of 0.2, for the third term for a coefficient of 0.2 ,.

The incapacity for work for these persons is determined by the findings, assessment and opinion of the expert commission for determining the incapability for work created by the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund in accordance with the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance.

Obligations of the holder of the right to guaranteed minimum assistance

The Center for Social Work determines the holder of the right to guaranteed minimum assistance. The right holder is obliged to report the numerical condition of the household, the material and property status for itself and all members of the household, when submitting the request, and to report on the changes during the use of the right, which affect the exercise and use of the right , within 15 days from the occurrence of the change, to the competent center for social work.

The guaranteed minimum aid is paid in the amount of the difference from the determined amount of the guaranteed minimum aid and the total average monthly income on all household bases, realized in the last three months.

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