March 18, 2025
How To Score 600+ Marks In Neet In The First Attempt?

It is no brainer that NEET is one of the most prestigious and highly anticipated medical entrance exams for medical enthusiasts. Officially, close to 16.8 lakh candidates have registered to appear for NEET 2020 to seek admissions to nearly 1.6 lakh medical seats. The ratio is quite intense hence candidates must gear up with their preparations.

The question of the article  – how to score 600+ marks in NEET at the first attempt, is quite misleading at first. I say this, as I want to ask students reading the article, why only 600+? Why not think target 720? Is it because it has not been achieved earlier or any such apprehensions? The idea behind asking all these questions is that one must know the power of training the mind. You only reap what you sow, so if you feed your mind with a 600+ score in NEET exam, your actions will follow suit. But if you aim to score 720, your actions will drastically change.

Coming to the subject, scoring 600+ is certainly possible at the first attempt. Let us understand how we can achieve more than 600+ in NEET in the first attempt.

Strategize Well

A good evaluation plan is a first and foremost step. Document a good study planner, a realistic one which can be achieved on a daily basis

Acquainted With Pattern

Students taking up the exam must be thorough with the exam pattern, marking scheme, chapterwise weightage from previous trends and hence the important chapters and so on. One can take a print out of these and refer to them. Highly recommended and extremely beneficial.

Know Your Books

You must know which book to study from. NCERT should be your holy grail. For instance, 80-90% of the question paper of NEET Biology section comprises NCERT syllabus. Likewise, for other sections too, NCERT must be mastered. For the mere few percentages of questions being asked outside NCERT syllabus, one can refer to suggested reference books such as NCERT exemplar, NCERT at your fingertips, MTG publications etc.

Syllabus Knowledge

It is imperative to understand the NEET syllabus so as to save time from being spent on irrelevant material. Visit the official website for NEET NTA and download the syllabus to plan for all 3 sections – Physics, Chemistry and Biology separately.

Neet Physics –

  • This section assesses the analytic skills of the student
  • Prioritize on conceptual clarity to be able to apply theoretical knowledge on numerical
  • Learn from visual media for the best learning experience if need be
  • Mind-mapping can be helpful to correlate and understand concepts

Neet Chemistry –

  • This is a scoring section, most questions are directly asked
  • Goes without saying, conceptual transparency is a must
  • Mnemonics, flowcharts and other tactics to be used
  • Reactions at your fingertips

Neet Biology –

  • Master NCERT from both classes 11 & 12 syllabus
  • Prepare notes highlighting important points, charts, tables, mnemonics to study at a glance

Power Of Practising Previous Years’ Question Papers

This has to be one of the most important steps. Students are suggested to solve as many as 20 years’ previous papers. This helps students get acquainted with the paper format, manage time, maintain and improve levels of speed and accuracy and much more. One must ensure to solve papers/sample papers under the ideal exam scenario, i.e., having a sense of time.

Mock Tests

As discussed above, mere solving of papers will not help. It is good to start off with solving papers. But once students get a grip, taking up a NEET mock test everyday must be routine, it renders the exact exam scenario. What should one take away from these mock tests? Students must not get bogged down by the scores, instead must take it as a challenge to score better the next time. These tests are the best and most effective tools to analyze performance, learn from the mistakes and perform better the next time. Hence, making note of the weak areas and working on them should be the takeaway.

Diligent Practising And Revise Thoroughly

Practice cannot be substituted with anything, there is no replacement/shortcut to this. Go through and solve as many papers, coaching modules etc. This also helps one to get introduced to a range of questions.

All in all, one must stay positive, dedicated and determined to do well to crack NEET exams. Subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube Channel to assist you in your endeavour of cracking NEET.